I just discovered that this title was sitting here with no thoughts… as if no one came to write. And I did quite some weeks ago. Where those words went I have no idea. Computer crash? Yes probably. Did you open this up and find nothing earlier? Did you feel alone? Ironic, isn’t it.

I recall getting a letter one time with no letter in it. Just the envelop from someone for whom I cared very much. I wondered and wondered where that letter went and what it must have said. I wondered if I would maybe get it later, having been misplaced. I wondered if I should ask the person what happened to it. I never did.

Today, I am wondering about it again… because I found this titled page with nothing on it and I’m thinking, “Did you wonder where the writing went?”

Sometimes I have received letters that meant a great deal to me. I have saved them and years later gone back and read them. Odd that I would be writing about this tonight, a day or so ago I found a 19 page letter that my brother had written to me. Without relating all that was there, I will say that he was so enthusiastic to write because of what I had written to him and how pleased he was to agree with me. Naturally, I can’t remember at all what I might have said that would bring on that kind of reaction. (Don’t you just hate that? Well maybe not hate, but find it disconcerting. You were brilliant for a moment and now it’s gone. What could it have been?)

So for a moment in that time, he and I were on the same page… feeling the other one’s thoughts… we were together and agreeing. Now, with only half the information and one person, am I alone?

It was a good night watching the stars last night… so out I went. Into the night where though one would think I was alone, I felt company there. Nature. No computers. No house. No cars. No work. I watched the morning come… that magic time when it isn’t really night, and day is not quite ready to show its face. Suspended in that time with nature. Being one.

I was not alone. May you also find oneness there should I again fail to appear.

Best… Carolyn Thomas Temple