Merry Christmas!  It is a thing we say to one another, wishing each other the very best during the December Holiday and Celebration of the birth of Christ.  But if you’re like me, everyone is included in these good wishes.  We don’t always know what each other believes but we have love in our hearts so we say to everyone.

Oh I know there are those that want to keep it “pure” but I am not that person.  I don’t have enough info about my fellow Man to know who is who and what is what.  I am only required to have good will in my heart and to be giving as best I can.  So that’s what I do.  I acknowledge and respect that not everyone is me; and I don’t require anything in return, but it’s nice when it comes back.

This year I have been hacked so many times.  This is not a career move I am talking about; these are thieves, robbers, crooks.  But I will still wish them good will (maybe they will stop stealing from me).  And there is this…  one day when each of their lives is over, God will ask them what good they did knowing full well they are thieves.  It isn’t up to me to ask for anything of them, because this is the work of God to decide their final fate.  I just need to continue to be kind, give to those who honestly are in trouble, and to have grace.  So I do that in spite of the hurt they have caused me and many others.

So Merry Christmas one and all!  Be well.

May the God Most High protect us from thieves and crooks everywhere.


Best…  Carolyn Thomas Temple